Vote for Students
in the Water Board
On March 15, vote List #9 in Noorderzijlvest!
Where we stand

The Waterschappen are responsible for the management and maintenance of recreational lakes and other wetlands. It is essential for water quality to remain optimal so that people can continue to enjoy it. For example, this is the same water in which people swim or row. The water quality of surface water in the Netherlands, including in our Waterschap, is currently insufficient.

Diversity & Involvement
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing this generation. The choices made now will decide our future, and directly impact the lives of young people. The policies of the Waterschap Noorderzijlvest should take into account the interests of youth and students. Furthermore, the forward-thinking national trends in politics must be extended in the water boards.

Waterschappen are important organizations that ensure the safety, health and livability of our environment. Climate change will bring about major changes, such as a rise in water levels and the associated risk of flooding. Cooperation, innovation and technology must therefore be a focal point within the water boards.
Latest news
“Blue-green algae are a big problem!” – Dewi Koster at Lunchradio (Radio Eemsdelta)
Dewi Koster vertelt bij “Lunchradio” van Omroep Eemsdelta over onze partij, onze plannen én geeft antwoord op de vraag waarom júist jongeren vertegenwoordigd moeten worden in het waterschap.