Election Programme 2023-2027
The Waterschappen are responsible for the management and maintenance of recreational lakes and other wetlands. It is essential for water quality to re- main optimal so that people can continue to enjoy it. For example, this is the same water in which people swim or row. The water quality of surface water in the Netherlands, including in our Waterschap, is currently insufficient.
More Recreation
Election Programme 2023-2027
There are limited opportunities for recreational swimming in and around the city of Groningen. Waterschap Noorderzijlvest monitors summer swimming water at fewer than 20 locations, many of which are near the Lauwersmeer. The limited choice of swimming options leads to overcrowded (city) beaches, where noise pollution and lit- ter are recurring problems. By creating more recreational opportunities in Groningen and surrounding towns, visitors will be more dispersed. This is better for overall quality of life, and will ensure that fewer people go swimming in undesignated places.
Election Programme 2023-2027
The Waterschap owns several bodies of water and is responsible for its management and maintenance. These private sites owned by the Waterschap can be used for this purpose, which would require a change in the zoning plan. Therefore, we would like to meet with the municipality to discuss possibilities and our proposals.
What do we want to achieve?
- More recreational opportunities in the Waterschap, more control of swimming water
- Opening up Waterschap maintenance roads for hikers and cyclists
- Opening up green zones and areas owned by Waterschap Noorderzijlvest
Existing Recreation
People who want to use recreational facilities in and around the City of Groningen during the summer are already familiar with the recurring situation: waking up to a news report that a swimming lake has been closed because of blue-green algae or swimmer’s itch. Student & Water wants improved water-quality so that these problems will not reoccur in the future. In addition, as a result of improved water quality, fishers will also have better access to these waters.
What do we want to achieve?
- Maintenance and improved design of the areas
- Using innovative solutions, for example technical interventions in cooperation with the RUG, Hanzehogeschool and multiple trade schools.
- Dealing with blue-green algae faster with frequent measurements of swimming spots